Nadia Parfan on „It’s a Date“/ interview

Born in Ivano-Frankivsk in 1986, the filmmaker and producer has a degree in cultural studies from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and in social anthropology from the Central European University in Budapest. From 2012 to 2013, she was a Fulbright Scholar at Temple University in Philadelphia. In 2015, she completed a documentary filmmaking course at the Wajda School in Warsaw. Her feature-length debut Heat Singers premiered at Visions du Réel in 2019 and was awarded Best Documentary by both the Ukrainian Film Critics Association and the Ukrainian Film Academy.

What was your starting point for “It’s a Date”?

When my husband got himself a motorbike, I started riding in the passenger seat. From the very first ride my relationship with the city changed dramatically. I saw Kyiv from a frameless, immersive and overwhelming perspective which made me fall in love forever.  When russians attempted to invade Kyiv in February-March 2023, this feeling became so strong that I had to make a film.

Do you have a favorite moment in the film? Which one and why this one?

My favorite moment is the one with the pigeons. We tried some tricks to attract them during the rehearsals, but it never worked. Then during the actual shoot they suddenly showed up by themselves. It looks so mesmerizing when the birds suddenly take off close-up to the camera. It also reminds me of Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.

I recently read that Hitchcock’s birds are an allusion to the rocket shellings of London in WWI and WWII. His birds are an expression of anxiety over the danger coming from the sky. It’s not the case in my film, but I can relate to this since Kyiv has been continuously shelled in the past year.

What do you like about the short form?

Short films are cheaper in production which leaves a lot of space for passion, playfulness and imagination. You can be free from industry conventions and simply make a really good, uncompromising film.


„Фільм „Це побачення“ знятий одним планом, в якому на дуже високій швидкості хтось рухається по Києву особливим маршрутом. Там немає діалогів та героїв, крім міста. Було складно знайти адекватне технічне рішення, ніхто нічого не міг запропонувати. Лише з початком великої війни я зрозуміла, що мушу зняти „Це побачення“. Відбулося переосмислення в воєнному контексті й просто влітку торік я взялася її знімати.“
interview with Nadia Parfan for


„Das Kino ist ja schon eine relativ alte Kunstform, über hundert Jahre alt. Aber bei uns pulsiert es in diesem Bereich sehr, der Film an sich ist sehr divers. Es ergeben sich dadurch besondere Kombinationen aus alt und neu. Wir sind das Land der Geschichten, wir sind gute Storyteller.“
interview with Nadia Parfan for Politik & Kultur


„Pour moi, le film de Lelouch est un classique du XXème siècle sur un homme très masculin, aventureux, pressé, attendu par une belle blonde. Mon film remet en question cette envie parce qu’aujourd’hui, les gens qui sont en guerre et entre la vie et la mort n’ont pas la possibilité de sortir avec leurs“
interview with Nadia Parfan for Format Court

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